
About Nutrivice

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So far Nutrivice has created 86 blog entries.

Handel- en Studiereis melkveehouderij 05-10 juni 2017

Thema: investeren in en exporteren naar de Oekraïne Maandag 05 juni 2017 13.15 uur Vertrek Amsterdam 17.05 uur Aankomst Kiev 20.30 uur inchecken in het hotel met aansluitend een welkom diner. Dinsdag 06 juni 2017 Bezoek aan Astarta Agri Industrial Holding Astarta is één van de grootste, beursgenoteerde agrarische bedrijven in Oekraïne met 250.000 ha [...]

maart 27th, 2017|Actueel|

SIGMA, Mexico

In 2009, I was invited to the large dairy processor Sigma Alimentos in Mexico. Sigma collects a lot of milk of their customers in Mexico and also provides different types of services to their customers. This training was about practical nutrition of calves, diarrhoea management, feeding schedules, selection of milkreplacers etc.

juni 16th, 2016|Actueel, Lezingen|

CARD, Armenia

In December 2012, I was invited to go to Armenia to do a product training about minerals in dairy nutrition with the distributor of Trouw Nutrition Hifeed, CARD. We explained the sales staff of CARD and also their customers some theoretical background of mineral nutrition of heifers, dry cows, dairy cows and off course we [...]

juni 16th, 2016|Actueel, Lezingen|

Veterinary Center Susice, Tsjech Republic

In 2012 I had the honour to be invited to a seminar organised by Veterinary Center Susice, Tsjech Republic. This time the topic was about “New Insights in the Nutrition of Fresh Cows”. A very nice story as the nutrition of fresh cows has a big impact on the performance of the dairy cows. Especially [...]

juni 16th, 2016|Actueel, Lezingen|

Merging Tenusa-Trouw-BASF

In 2007, Nutreco purchased several premix companies of BASF. In Mexico it became necessarry to integrate three companies into one. This also meant uniforming of nutritional vision, portfolios, formulations according to the Trouw Nutrition Global Ruminant Vision and Standards. I had the pleasure to be heavily involved in this process, especially in the ruminant area. [...]

juni 16th, 2016|Actueel, Projecten|


In 2008, Nutreco purchased Biofaktory, a company in the Tsjech Republic. One of my tasks in 2009 was to integrate the ruminant world of Biofaktory into the ruminant world of Nutreco. A nice task. We trained the ruminant staff on Farm Analysis, Cow Signals and ration calculation using the Rumenac System. We also introduced into [...]

juni 16th, 2016|Projecten|


One of the Innovation Projects I lead within Nutreco was the development and launch of the product “CalFix” CalFix is a very innovative dietetic feed specially designed for Close Up Cows. CalFix has the ability to bind to calcium and trains the calcium metabolism of the dry cow in such a way that it prevents [...]

juni 16th, 2016|Projecten|


Throughout the years I have done many lectures, round tables, discussion groups all around the world. From very scientific, but also very practical. It is always a pleasure to share knowledge and experiences with other people. On this page you can find two examples of lectures. CIGAL In 2007 I was invited to give a [...]

juni 15th, 2016|Actueel|


Dear all, My name is Peter van Dooren and I am founder and management consultant of Nutrivice Consultancy B.V. I am graduated from Wageningen University, specialisation Animal Nutrition and Business Economics in 1995. During my career of 18 years I was fortunate to work for employers that enabled me to gain a global experience of [...]

juni 15th, 2016|Actueel|